doug foxvog has (co)authored the following papers:
"Cyc", chapter in TAO - Theory and Applications of Ontology. Volume II: Ontology: The Information-Science Stance, d. foxvog; eds.: Michael Healy, Achilles Kameas, Roberto Poli; Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2010.
"Two Case Studies of Ontology Validation", d. foxvog, "Proceedings of the Eighth Australasian Ontology Workshop, Sydney, Australia, December 4, 2012, pp. 52-63.
"Enabling the European Patient Summary through Triplespaces", R. Krummenacher, E. Simperl, D. Cerizza, E. Della Valle, L. Nixon, d. foxvog; Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine; Volume 95, Issue 2, Pp. S33-S43, ISSN 0169-2607.
"Process Mediation Based on Triple Space Computing", Z. Zhou, B. Sapkota, Emilia Cimpian, d. foxvog, L. Vasiliu, M. Hauswirth, and Peng Yu; In Process Mediation Based on Triple Space Computing: Prodeedings of the 10th Asia-Pacific Web Conference (APWeb 2008), Shenyang, China, April 26-28, 2008 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 4976/2008, pp. 672-683. Springer Berlin / Heidelberg.
"Building Application Ontologies from Descriptions of Semantic Web", X. Wang, T. Vitvar, M. Hauswirth, and d. foxvog; The IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI 2007), IEEE CS Press, November, 2007, Silicon Valley, USA.
"Better Behavioral Description for Dynamic Semantic Web Services Collaboration", Z. Zhou, S. Bhiri, K. Ning, L. Vasiliu, d. foxvog, and W. Gaaloul; Third International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid (SKG 2007); Xi'an, China; November 2007.
"Towards a Digital Content Services Design Based on Triple Space Computing", D. de Francisco, N. Perez, d. foxvog, A. Harth, D. Martin, D. Wutke, M. Murth, E. Simperl; 10th International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS); Poznan, Poland; 25-27 April 2007.
"Modeling QoS Characteristics in WSMO"; I. Toma, d. foxvog, M. Jaeger; Proceedings of the Middleware for Service Oriented Computing Workshop (MW4SOC); November 28, 2006, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 42-47.
"Ontologizing EDI Semantics", d. foxvog, C. Bussler; Advances in Conceptual Modeling - Theory and Practice, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, ISBN 978-3-540-47703-7, pp. 301-311, 2006.
"A Proposal for Building the European Patient Summary using Triple Space Computing", E. Della Valle, D. Cerizza, R. Krummenacher, L. Nixon, E. Paslaru, d. foxvog, Workshop for W3C Semantic Web Health Care & Life Sciences, International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Athens, Georgia, Nov 6, 2006. [Slides]
"Towards European Patient Summaries based on Triple Space Computing", D. Cerizza, E. Della Valle, d. foxvog, R. Krummenacher, M. Murth; Proceedings of the First European Conference on e-Health, (ECEH06), October 12 - 13, 2006, Fribourg, Switzerland, pp. 143-154. [Slides]
"Instances of Instances Modeled via Higher-Order Classes", d. foxvog; Foundational Aspects of Ontologies (FOnt 2005), 28th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Koblenz, Germany, September, 2005, ISSN 1860-4471, pp. 46-54.
"Ontologizing EDI: First Steps and Experiences", d. foxvog, C. Bussler; Proceedings of the International Workshop on Data Engineering Issues in E-Commerce (DEEC 2005), Tokyo, Japan, April 9, 2005, pp. 49-58.
"Putting Flesh on the Bones: Issues that Arise in Creating Anatomical Knowledge Bases with Rich Relational Structure", F. Lehmann, d. foxvog; Knowledge Sharing across Biological and Medical Knowledge Based Systems, Papers from the 1998 Workshop: Technical Report WS-98-04, Fifteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Madison, WI, July 26, 1998, pp. 41-50.
"Variable Depth Resolution for Intelligent Real-Time Systems", d. foxvog, T. Taipale; Eighth International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, (SEKE'96), Lake Tahoe, NV, 10-12 June 1996, pp. 400-407.
"IRTC: Integration of Knowledge Engineering with Real-Time Control", T. Taipale; d. foxvog; Sixth Euromicro Workshop on Real-Time Systems, Västerås, Sweden, 15 - 17 June 1994. IEEE, pp. 162-166.
"IRTC Project, Focusing on Real-Time Features of Expert Systems", P. Seppänen & d. foxvog; Tekoalyn udet suunnat (New Directions in Artificial Intelligence), Proceedings of the Finnish Artificial Intelligence Conference (STeP-92), Vol. 1, pp. 90-95.
"Älykäs kone: tavoiteohjauksesta aktiiviseen aistimiseen. - Esivaiheen loppuraportti", T. Heikkilä, J. Röning, J. Marszalec, R. Mitikka, S. Pieskä, S. Kemppainen J. Riekki, d. foxvog, E. Ryynänen, T. Taipale: VTT Electronics, Oulu, Finland 1990. 29 p.
"Survey of Real-Time and On-Line Diagnostic Expert Systems", d. foxvog & M. Kurki; Euromicro '91 Workshop on Real-Time Systems, Paris 1991, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 61-69.
"OKIES: A Troubleshooter in the Factory", D. Gordin, d. foxvog, J.R. Rowland, P. Surko, G.T. Vesonder; The First International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems: IEA/AIE-'88, Vol. 1, pp. 24-28.
"PUPA: A Pulse Programming Assistant for NMR Imaging", d. foxvog, X. Li, J.E. Vargas, J.R. Bourne, J. Sztipanovits, R. Mushlin, & C.G. Harrison; IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. BME-34 #12, December 1987, pp. 938-943.
"AI Techniques for the Control of MRI Instruments", C.G. Harrison, J.R. Bourne, J. Sztipanovits, R. Mushlin, C. Biegl, d. foxvog, G. Karsai, and X. Li; Proceedings of Conference of Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Toronto, 1986.
"Pulse Programming Assistant for Magnetic Resonance Imaging", d. foxvog, X. Li, J.E. Vargas, J.R. Bourne, J. Sztipanovits, R. Mushlin, & C.G. Harrison; Proceedings 8th Annual Conf. IEEE/EMBS, pp. 811-816, 1986.
"Distributed Expert Systems in Prolog", C. Biegl, d. foxvog & K. Kawamura; 18th Southeastern Symposium on System Theory, April 1986.
doug foxvog has (co)authored the following technical reports:
"Evaluation and Refinement of Ontologies", d. foxvog; TripCom Deliverable D7.4, 2009.
"Relationships among Ontology Modules within EDIFACT and with External Ontologies", David de Francisco Marcos, G. Lopez Reyes, d. foxvog; TripCom Deliverable D7.3, 2008.
"Ontology of EDIFACT Syntax and Semantics", d. foxvog; TripCom Deliverable D7.2, 2008.
"Non-functional Properties in Web Services", I. Toma, d. foxvog; WSML Deliverable D28.4, 2006.
"Analysis of EDIFACT and other standards", d. foxvog, J. Palacios, E. Simperl; TripCom Deliverable D7.1, 2006.
"Service Ontologies and Service Description: An Orchestration and Business Process Ontology", S. Bhiri, d. foxvog, S. Galizia, E. Kilgarriff, B. Norton, M. Stollberg, L. Vasiliu ; DIP Deliverable D3.4, 2006.
"EDI Ontology", d. foxvog; WSML Deliverable D27, 2005.
"Ontology Mediation Patterns Library", F. Scharffe, J. de Bruijn, d. foxvog; SEKT Deliverable D4.3.2; v. 2 2006 [v. 1, "Ontology Mapping Patterns": 2005].
"Specification of a methodology, general criteria, and benchmark suites for benchmarking ontology tools ", R. Garca-Castro, D. Maynard, H. Wache, d. foxvog, R. Gonzlez-Cabero ; Knowledge Web Deliverable D2.1.4, 2005.
"WSML-Core", J. de Bruijn, d. foxvog, E. Oren, D. Fensel ; WSML Working Draft D16.7, 2004.
"The WSML Family of Represesentation Languages", J. de Bruijn, d. foxvog, H. Lausen, E. Oren, D. Roman, D. Fensel ; WSML Working Draft D16v0.2, 2004.
"Framework for Representing Ontology Networks with Mappings that Deal with Conflicting and Complementary Concept Definitions", L. Predoiu, F. Martin-Recuerda, A. Polleres, C. Feier, A. Mocan, J. de Bruijn, d. foxvog, K. Zimmerman ; DIP Deliverable D1.5, 2004.